Quick update: The boys had their 1 year preemie development check up (hard to believe they were preemies anymore) and got the official Stanford seal of approval. They are right on track for the average 12 1/2 month old, which is their adjusted age. Matthew weighed in at a whopping 16 lbs 10 oz and Nicholas is at 19 lbs 2oz. Matthew is saying "uh-oh" at the appropriate times on a regular basis (he drops a lot of stuff) and Nicholas apparently took his first steps. This is according to Dacien but I don't believe it as I was in another room. "If a baby takes his first step, and his mother isn't around to see it..." well, you get the idea.
Sofia is doing a bit better at Bing. She didn't shed a tear when I left her on Monday but she cried most of the way there, so you take what you can get.